Pray for Others

At Joy Community, we believe in the power of prayer.  Please pray for these public prayer requests and click the "praying hands" to let that person know they are being prayed for,  and watch for updates.  


Please pray for my co-worker Steve’s brother Mike, who has been missing for the last 48 hours. Please pray that he is found quickly and safely - Amen!


For the Brodland Family as they say good bye to a beautiful wife,mama and friend. She was one of the best.


Please pray for Gayle Hampson as she mourns the loss of her son, Michael.


My good friend Eddie Cox have Heart surgery


Prayer for a friend who just found out their grandchild that was due in October is no longer viable. It is a genetic disorder and they will be unable to have more children. This would have been their second child. Pray for strength for the parents and grandparents.