Our Mission

Elevating the name of Christ higher than any other name.

A word from PAstor JAce

Welcome to Elevate Student Ministry! We are a group of of amazing, energetic, and passionate followers of Christ. Our mission is to "elevate" the name of Christ everywhere we go and with everyone we interact with. If you are a student from 6th-12th grade then you are welcome to join us. Elevate meets every Wednesday from 6p.m.-8p.m. at Joy Community Church and every Sunday morning from 8:30a.m.-9:30a.m. for Teen Talk. If you have any questions or want more information about Elevate feel free to email me at jace@joycommunity.com or contact me at 217-801-0389.


Pastor Jace


As a parent we want you to "Be In The Loop" as best as you can be. 

Two easy ways to stay connected with everything Elevate is to join us on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/groups/elevateym/


Ask about getting text updates right to your phone via our Elevate text service!